As most of you will know, after the conclusion of the Incheon Utd vs Daejeon Citizen game last Saturday (which Incheon won 2-1), there was a considerable amount of violence. The media would have you believe that this was entirely down to Daejeon fans being sore losers and taking out their frustrations on anything which stood in their way. As I will hope to document, this is not entirely correct.
The mainstream media narrative of events is something like this:
1. Daejeon fans were vandalising the stadium.
2. The Incheon mascot came over to calm the situation down and urge fans to go home.
3. 2 Daejeon fans ran onto the field of play and attacked the mascot.
4. Daejeon fans started fighting with Incheon fans.
I cannot stress enough just how much of a blatant misrepresentation of events that this is.
Let's start with the issue of the mascot. Prior to the arrival of the mascot in front of the Daejeon fans there was no violence. This is a fact. Rather than coming over to the Daejeon fans in a purely benevolent way, the mascot was clearly and demonstrably goading them. Rather than going to celebrate their victory with the home fans, the mascot made an obvious attempt to start celebrating in front of the away fans. This picture below, taken from a mainstream media source, shows the mascot waving his flag and gesturing to the Citizen fans.
Does this excuse the actions of the two Daejeon supporters? Obviously not. However, the truth of the matter is that the trouble was started by the idiotic actions of the man dressed in a bird suit.
Now, it has also been reported that Daejeon fans were fighting with security guards. This is also a lie. The security team were, quite rightly I might add, dealing with the two Daejeon fans on the pitch. They indeed did put up a small level of resistance, but in no way can this be construed as 'Daejeon fans attacking security guards', as most media are reporting.
Whilst the attack on the mascot seems to be generating most of the attention, the ambush attack from behind by Incheon fans that took place afterwards has been entirely ignored. Why would this be so? Whatever the reason, the actions of the Incheon Utd supporters have been fully documented on video and in photographs.
Notice that almost all of the people in this photo are wearing blue, the colour of Incheon Utd. Video of the event is obtainable easily on Naver.
In this photo, I have pointed out an Incheon fan who is amongst the sizeable number who are causing trouble. This gentleman is important. He is a member of an Incheon Ultras group called 'Alcoholic Ultras'.
Notice that there is not just beer, but also wine, Jaegermeister and what looks like another hard liquor being poured into one of the orange cups.
And surprise, surprise, who should be at the head of this little party?
Yes, our good friend Mr. Alcoholic Ultra.
It is my hope that this has presented a more accurate view of what transpired this last Saturday. If the media were being honest and doing their jobs correctly, they would present the facts something like this:
1. The mascot of Incheon Utd goaded the away fans with offensive gestures
2. Two Daejeon fans attacked the mascot.
3. Drunk Incheon fans known as 'The Alcoholic Ultras' ambushed the Daejeon fans by coming into the away section and causing trouble.
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